Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Loose Threads

If there's anything I've learned this summer, it's that life is made up of lots & lots of loose threads. And on their own they look like nothing more than random knots & snarls that don't make any sense, but together they create something meaningful & unique & beautiful.

As my remaining time in Houston is {all too quickly} coming to a close, I've been reflecting on all of the "loose thread" moments. Moments of discouragement & frustration because on some days, ministry just wasn't happening. Days when I questioned my call to be here because I wasn't meeting many people in the community & the Lord didn't answer my prayer for that as immediately as I wanted Him to. Moments that turned into memories that will last forever. Visits with my Iraqi friends who have become my family. Being served an African feast by the sweetest Congolese family. Getting caught in the rain on the way to visit someone with one of my roommates & using Rubbermaid lids as makeshift umbrellas. Teaching English to the most incredible refugee ladies. Relationships formed- with my intern team, with the short term teams, with the people in this community.

All loose threads on their own, but woven together, these moments make up the most extraordinary tapestry. A tapestry full many different colors & flavors; one full of life & joy, tons laughter & some tears, & an enormous amount of love. A tapestry more beautiful than anything I could possibly dream up on my own.

It hasn't always been easy. There's been a significant amount of sweat {I mean hello, this is Houston} & tears & heart-to-hearts with my team & with the Lord. But I'm thankful for those moments, too. They've caused me to grow in ways I never would, had I not experienced them for all that they were.

And now here I am, looking at my last days of ministry in Houston, Texas. {At least for the summer of 2014. Who knows what God has up His sleeve for the future?} It's incredibly bittersweet. My roommates & I taught our last ladies' ESL class today. Tears were shed, hugs were given, & laughs were shared as we remembered so many of the memories that were made during the past two months. It has been such a privilege to be part of these ladies' lives; I honestly feel like they've blessed me more than I've blessed them. They've taught me so much about love, kindness, & friendship, & I'll cherish those lessons for the rest of my life.

That's just a small glimpse of the beauty of the people & places I've fallen in love with. My heart has been filled to the point of overflow, & I wouldn't have it any other way.

I will sing to the Lord, because He is good to me. Psalm 13:6

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