Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday Sweetness

During the past month, I've come to realize that there is never a dull moment when living next door to two eleven year old Iraqi boys. This week alone I've played endless rounds of UNO, refereed impromptu relay races, engaged in a water gun massacre, laughed until my sides hurt, & felt more love than my heart ever thought possible. {I've also come to realize that as long as I live in Houston, I'll never have to do my laundry alone, because one of them is always with me; walking, talking, & helping me fold my socks.}

These boys are best friends; wherever one of them is, the other one isn't far behind. They're both incredibly full of life & mischief, & I've actually started writing down the things they say because they're just too funny. 

This morning the boys showed up on our porch {which happens more often than not} to ask Amanda & I to hang out with them {which also happens more often than not}. They wanted to read Colossians together, so we grabbed our Bibles, sat on the steps outside our apartment & had the sweetest church service I've ever been part of. One of the boys, A., is Muslim, & it's so amazing to watch him soak up God's word as he discovers its truth in such a fresh way. The other boy, F., is a follower of Jesus {you may remember him from this post} & the definition of childlike faith. He's crazy about Jesus; he reads his Bible every chance he gets, whether it's out loud to us or quietly to himself. He loves talking to Jesus & prays the sweetest, most heartfelt prayers I've ever heard. And his heart is set on leading A. to Jesus if it's the last thing he does. It's the most precious thing I've ever experienced in my life.

Both of these boys inspire me in my own life; A. inspires me to open my heart & enjoy God's word like I'm hearing it for the first time, & F. inspires me to love God more & view every day as an opportunity to celebrate His grace. These boys have stolen more pieces of my heart than they realize, & I wouldn't have it any other way.

"This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard it & understood the truth about  God's wonderful grace." Colossians 1:6

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